When I hit the big 30, I already saw lines on my forehead, neck, chest and the well-known crow's feet forming on my face and body. My lips were also not as plump and full as they used to be. This really did a number on my self-esteem. Like many people out there, I wanted to look as young and vibrant as I looked when I was in my 20s.
I went online and searched for solutions, but all I found were unpromising expensive face creams and even scarier, botox and all types of painful invasive treatments. That's when I decided to take matters into my own hands. With my clinical background, I knew a thing or two about skincare and cosmetics.
I found a study that showed how medical grade silicone is proven to heal scarring on the skin, and that it is expected to reduce wrinkles as well. I also found that there were a few 100% natural ingrediënts to help your lips plump instantly, without needing fillers. I got to work.
At Plumping we focus on high-quality products and therefore always choose the best ingrediënts, product developers and manufacturers to make the best products on the market.
Our products are thoroughly tested by the Plumping team of experts and have proven to show amazing results in 97% of the cases after the first use! After starting this journey and creating these amazing results, I wanted to share these products with the world. So here we are. We feel strengthened by the thousands of positive reactions we've received so far and we will continue this journey to share our brand with as many people as possible..
We hope you enjoy shopping with us as well! Feel free to share your results with us if you want to be added to our website as well: info@plumpinglips.com